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NIGHT NIGHT SLEEP TIGHT don’t let the bed bugs bite

Welcome to Liyi's dream.

In the physical space, there exist various three-dimensional and planar spaces. Within these different spaces, there are distinct small worlds, layered images, and concrete forms. Sometimes one plunges in, sometimes one observes from the sidelines. There is a sense of continuity in time, yet one can linger on a moment of binding.

As a viewer stepping into the exhibition space, you unconsciously follow the artist into her dream. The layers unfolding before your eyes present an unpredictable infinite cycle, immersing you in a poetic dimension.

Likes to document but often forgets.

I am Liyi, I used to be troubled by my daily dreams, but one day I thought, since my mind is being forced to work anyway, why not use it for creation? While recording dream stories, I contemplated the nature of dream spaces, which often defy the laws of physics and differ vastly from the real world. By documenting the sense of distance and perspective shifts in both dream and reality, I aim to reveal the differences between them.

I enjoy viewing dreams as unconscious creations, where suppressed and unspeakable feelings in reality are reassembled into a new experience.

The spaces in dreams are usually unrestricted, often transcending the spatial limitations of real life. The spaces in dreams both exist and do not exist; what makes sense in a dream can be baffling in reality. In this exhibition, I attempt to rethink and reshape real-life scenes, using artistic methods to transform real spaces into an extraordinary, surreal experience, delving into the relationship between dreamscapes and real spaces.

I am trapped in a dream, unable to escape, as if I had to wake myself up several times before successfully returning to reality.

I often wake up remembering only the scenes of being chased and running away; the fear of my life being threatened feels so real that I can hardly distinguish it from reality.

The awake me questions the dream me: What exactly are you running from? Where are you running to? How long will you keep running? A while ago, I often dreamed of fighting, but recently, it's been all about running away. When I shared this with my friends, I jokingly said: Maybe I lost the fight? So, my friends dragged me to learn Capoeira, Brazilian martial arts, to see if it would help me win.

Liyi Hsieh, born in 1999 in Taipei, Taiwan. Graduated in 2020 from the Department of Material Arts and Design at Tainan National University of the Arts.

In recent years, after being exposed to artists' books, I began to integrate my past experience in graphic design into my creations. Books, as objects that are both flat and three-dimensional, offer a unique way of reading that can present different spatial experiences. In this exhibition, by exploring various binding techniques, material combinations, printing methods, and variations in book dimensions, I aim to break people's habitual ways of reading books. This will provoke readers to feel a sense of confusion and conflict towards the familiar concept of books, mirroring the familiar yet strange sense of space in dreams.


● Exhibition Schedule|2024/O6/O1 Sat. — O6/16 Sun.

○ Monday to Sunday  13:00 - 20:00(Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays)

● Exhibition Artist|Liyi Hsieh

○ Exhibition Space|Kewco Space

